Scripts Guides


Once everything is up and running, it's time to link our radial menu script with other scripts on your server to maximize its functionality and improve player interactions!

Adding Menu Items Dynamically


exports['onex-radialmenu']:onexRadialItemAdd(items, id, parent_id)


items (table): Contains the menu item configuration

  • Required fields:

    • title (string): Display text
    • closeRadialMenu (boolean): Whether to close menu after selection
    • icon (table): Icon configuration
      icon = {
          address = "fas fa-car", -- FontAwesome icon or image URL
          width = "24px",        -- Icon width 
          height = "24px"        -- Icon height
  • Optional fields:

    • trigger (table): Event trigger configuration
      trigger = {
           event = { -- (optional)
              name = "my:event",    -- Event name
              type = "client",      -- "client" or "server"
              args = "arg1"         -- String or table of arguments
           onSelect = function()    --  (optional) Function to execute on selection
             print("Function triggered!")
           command = 'myCommand'    -- (optional) Command to execute on selection
    • type (string): Set to "nested" nested menu , otherwise leave empty or any other value
    • subMenu (table): Submenu items using same structure as parent

id (string|number): Menu item identifier

parent_id (string|number): Optional parent menu item ID

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When using numeric IDs, maintain sequential order (1, 2, 3, etc). Using an existing ID will overwrite that menu item.

Example Usage

    title = "Vehicle Options",
    closeRadialMenu = false,
    icon = {
        address = "fas fa-car",
        width = "24px",
        height = "24px"
    type = "nested",
    subMenu = {
            id = "engine_toggle",
            title = "Toggle Engine",
            closeRadialMenu = true,
            icon = {
                address = "fas fa-power-off",
                width = "20px",
                height = "20px"
            trigger = {
                event = {
                    name = "vehicle:toggleEngine",
                    type = "client"
                onSelect = function()
                    print("Engine toggled!")
                command = 'engine'
}, 'vehicle_menu', 'main_menu')

Removing Menu Items

exports['onex-radialmenu']:onexRemoveRadialItem(parent_id, child_id)


  • parent_id (string|number): ID of the parent menu item
  • child_id (string|number, optional): ID of the child menu item to remove

If only parent_id is provided, the entire menu item and its children will be removed. If both IDs are provided, only the specified child item will be removed from the parent menu.


-- Remove a specific submenu item
exports['onex-radialmenu']:onexRemoveRadialItem('vehicle_menu', 'engine_toggle')
-- Remove an entire menu section

Clearing All Items

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This function removes all items from the radial menu.

Toggling Menu Access



  • toggle (boolean):
    • true: Disables the radial menu
    • false: Enables the radial menu


-- Disable the radial menu
-- Re-enable the radial menu

Use this function to temporarily restrict access to the radial menu during specific game states or animations.