Scripts Guides


The migration feature in onex-creation makes it easy to convert your existing clothing menu script data into a format compatible with onex-creation. This way, you don’t need to delete any player clothing data. Only use this method if your server is live with active players. For new server setups, migration isn’t required.


If you’re setting up a new server, simply delete any existing player skin or character data—migration is unnecessary.


Onex Creation currently supports migration from the following clothing scripts:

  • qb-clothing
  • esx_skin
  • illenium-appearance
  • fivem-appearance

If your clothing script isn’t listed above, no worries! Just reach out on our Discord server, open a support ticket, and we’ll help you migrate your data to be compatible with onex-creation.

For servers running on qbocore, qbox, or esx frameworks, you can convert existing player data from supported scripts like qb-clothing, esx_skin, illenium-appearance, or fivem-appearance directly to onex-creation without losing any player skin data.


Before starting the migration, ensure you have a full backup of your database. If any data loss or issues occur during the migration process, the Onex team cannot be held responsible for lost data.

This guide will walk you through a safe migration process, ensuring a smooth transition to onex-creation with minimal impact on your players' experience. Our support team on Discord is also available to assist.


Navigate to onex-creation/shared/framework.lua

Inside the file, go to Framework.Setup.Migration

  • Ensure that migration is enabled in framework.lua at line 4.
  • Set migration_type to the name of your old clothing menu script.
Framework.Setup = {
    Migration = {
        enable = true, --- [[ Enable or disable migration ]]
        command = 'onxmigrate_creation', -- [[ Command name ]]
        migration_type = 'illenium-appearance' --[[
            Select the clothing script database you wish to migrate to the `onex-creation` database. 
            1. fivem-appearance
            2. qb-clothing
            3. esx_skin
            4. illenium-appearance
    FixOutfit = { --[[ Update your database with optimized outfit data.
                        Configure your outfit imports here:
        enable = false, --- [[ Enable or disable the outfit fix command ]]
        command = 'onxfixoutfit' -- [[ Command name ]]


Start server, Once it started open txadmin console (opens in a new tab) and run the command onxmigrate_creation. Wait for a few moments to see the migration status in your server console. When the migration is complete, set the enable value to false and restart the server.

Migration Tutorial

If you’ve followed all these steps, congratulations! You have successfully migrated your data to onex-creation and are ready to go.